European Space Agency, Germany: Educational motion design on orbital mechanics
Cité des Sciences "Big Data" Exhibit, Paris: Exhibition motion theme and scenography
MACVal, France: "Les Passagers du Grand Paris Express", short animated movie for the exhibition
European Astronaut Center, Germany : Virtual Reality prototype system for astronaut EVA training
Quartier de l'Étang, Genève: Interactive installation with media facade proposal
Halle Freyssinet/Station F, Paris: Interactive neon sign system
25 ans Intégral Ruedi Baur, ThreeJS experiment
Schlafzeit, poetic and prospective project on representing one's sleep (Student project)
Project engineer in Brain Computer Interface at CNRS/École Normale Supérieure, LSCP Lab
Founding colaborator of the company NextMind
GDR ESARS: Groupement de Recherche GDR Esthétique Arts Sciences
ENSAD Diploma interface experiments
Eyewriter, Eye-tracking prototype and experiments
Tobii Technologies, Gaze behavior analysis
Master Thesis